The Barn planning application approved
As you know the original planning application for The Barn to be converted to a nursery was refused by Mid Sussex District Council last year. During this process more residents objected to the plan than supported it. These objections were based on various grounds, the main one being the impact it would have on local traffic. Since then Dakar Properties, the nursery operator, lodged an appeal against that decision with the Planning Inspectorate. This is their legal right as part of the planning process.
(You can read more about this Government body by following the link)
Following that decision, Dakar Properties wrote to every resident outlining a revised plan which included an enlarged car park with a separate entrance and exit. This was aimed at reducing on-the-road parking, general congestion and potentially dangerous “u-turns”. Dakar subsequently held a public consultation to encourage support for the new scheme and met with numerous residents to address their concerns. After this consultation, residents overwhelmingly supported their improved plan which most people saw as being good for Bolnore Village. A second modified application was then submitted which addressed the concerns originally raised by residents.
The local planning authority then made a decision to delay the determination of the outcome of the second application until after the appeal decision was made. Dakar expressed their frustration on this matter as it meant significant delays to their plans.
This week, the Planning Inspector has over-ruled the original MSDC decision and Dakar have now withdrawn their second improved application. The outcome is that the original plan has effectively been granted. Dakar has already been onsite this week reviewing and planning for work that needs to be done to improve the site and the nursery is planned to open in early 2019.
Those are the facts and whilst we are somewhat disappointed with the outcome, we are pleased that the Barn will finally be used for the benefit of the both Bolnore Village and the wider community. In my conversation with Dakar Properties, we have confirmed that the Community Interest Company will continue to work with them and encourage them wherever possible to be the good neighbours that they told us they would be. Dakar have confirmed that they will closely monitor car parking the situation and should it be deemed necessary, a revised application for a larger car park may be submitted in the future.
We look forward to working together for the benefit of the Bolnore Village as a whole.