Planning Application for Empty Shop in the Village Square
MSDC has received a Planning Application for the empty shop in the Village Square, Ref: DM/17/1574
The Community Interest Company is very keen to see the empty shop in the Village Square, that was once Lloyds Pharmacy, used for something that will further enhance the Village. The site has been empty now for such a long time despite a number of prospective occupiers showing an interest. There are a number of restrictions on what type of businesses can use the site and these preclude anything that might conflict with the Co-Op. As long as any prospective occupier conforms to these restrictions, we see no issues with any business using this site as any increase in traffic flow will be minimal and there is adequate onsite parking. The final date for MSDC to decide is 7th July 2017. It will be nice to see the shutters rise on a new business in the Village.